Next Friday from PM 12.30 Óscar García Agustín and me will have an online talk on Left- and Right-wing populism promoting our books at Emerald Publishing's Emerald Points Series. Please, join us and discuss the state of contemporary populist tendencies, the impact of COVID-19 crisis on populism and many other interesting topics.
Join us on Zoom:
Passcode: 968513
Óscar García Agustín: Left-Wing Populism: The Politics of the People
In this conversation, Óscar García Agustín (Aalborg University) and Attila Antal (Eötvös Loránd University) will talk about the different meanings of populism and its manifestations both ideologically (left or right) and geographically (South, East, North). The discussion will take as its starting point the books Left-Wing Populism and The Rise of Hungarian Populism, both from 2020.